About us

Electrical discharges in the atmosphere create a magical light. It appears on ship masts, summit crosses, or the windscreens of airplanes. The light flares up when there is energy in the air. Before thunderstorms, during volcanic eruptions – or when extraordinary ideas arise. And that’s exactly why we are called Saint Elmo’s.

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Our story began in 2001 as a traditional advertising agency. Today, we’re a vibrant blend of curious minds, bringing together all marketing disciplines to deliver everything from brand positioning to immersive brand experiences.

No matter how big, no matter how bold: we tackle every project. And win awards for it along the way. That makes our clients happy. And of course, us too.

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As a strong brand of Europe’s number one, we can rely on the full power of the Serviceplan Group. This benefits our clients, especially when it comes to international projects or partnerships, when specialized disciplines are required or when efficient media buying is essential.