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Wilder Kaiser and the colors of autumn

Saint Elmo's Tourism highlights the vibrant hues of Tyrol's autumn for Wilder Kaiser.
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The Wilder Kaiser region exudes a special charm in autumn. It’s the season when the natural beauty surrounding the iconic mountain range bursts into a spectrum of vivid colors. For the Wilder Kaiser tourism association, we designed a campaign to inspire autumn getaways to the region.
Bringing color to life

We showcased the autumnal experience at Wilder Kaiser with evocative landscape visuals, incorporating palettes of autumn colors paired with emotionally resonant descriptions – inviting audiences to experience them firsthand.

A colorful media mix

The “Colors of Autumn” campaign targeted audiences in Frankfurt am Main with a focus on DOOH displays, strategically deployed on Station Video and Infoscreen platforms. The campaign was further amplified through mobile advertising and social media ads, driving users to a dedicated campaign landing page.


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"For me, autumn at Wilder Kaiser is the most beautiful time of year. Every ray of sunlight feels like a gift, the light has a unique warmth and quality, and nature dazzles in new colors with breathtaking views. This immersive natural experience, with its unique moments and moods, is the essence of the campaign we created with Saint Elmo's Tourism. Every single visual inspires a desire to immerse oneself in the magic of Kaiser Autumn."

Katharina Muck

Head of Marketing Communications, Wilder Kaiser Tourism Association

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"We present autumn vacations at Wilder Kaiser as an aesthetic experience. Through atmospheric landscapes featuring autumnal color palettes with emotional labels, we celebrate the vivid beauty of Kaiser Autumn and invite audiences to witness it firsthand."

Arwed Berendts

CCO, Saint Elmo's Tourism

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